Tidal Stream Atlases & Tide Tables

Tide Tables and Tidal Stream Atlases are important tools for mariners to navigate safely through the ocean. 

Tide Tables provide information on the predicted times and heights of tides. They are typically published annually and will also include neap and spring tidal information.

Tide Tables are useful when planning voyages. Providing important information on the depth of water at specific times and locations. Along with the tide times of low and high tides, which can affect the safety of navigation.

Tidal Stream Atlases provide information on the speed and direction of tidal currents. They show the direction and tidal stream rates at different times throughout the day. The information in Tidal Stream Atlases is based on observations of the currents over a period of time. They also take into account the effects of local geography.

Tidal Stream Atlases are used to plan voyages and to determine the best route to take. Helping to avoid strong currents or to take advantage of favourable ones.

Tidal Stream Atlases & Tide Tables
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