Anti-Osmosis Treatments
Anti-Osomosis Treatments | Deck & Bilge Paints | Glosses & Topcoats | Paint Strippers | Primers & Undercoats | Thinners | Varnishes
It can be a disheartening experience, running your hand over the hull of your boat and discovering blisters rising out from it. Osmosis - caused by water diffusing through GRP and in to the laminate that makes up your boat hull. This laminate will have tiny voids or small air pockets; water can collect within these in the laminate and react with residual solvents and bits from the manufacturing process and over time these can swell and cause blistering.
Anti-Osmosis products like, Gelshield by International Paints and High Protect by Hempel, are 2 part primers aimed at providing a hard durable water-resistant barrier when layered up with multiple coats.