Boat Bungs, Transom Drains and Boat Bailers
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At Force 4 Chandlery we have a selection of cockpit and transom drains, boat bungs and bailers. All work to help get any on board water out of your boat.
Take a look at the transom socket and bung sets, as well as spare plugs and rubber bungs. These sets are available in brass or nylon and suitable to fit most tenders and dinghies. We also have some hand bailers, ideal for getting any unwanted water out of your dinghy whilst you're still out enjoying the water.
As well as the hand bailers we keep keep a variety of self bailers, including Andersen bailers, to fit most small boats or dinghies. These are fitted with a one way valve and work by simply opening them up whilst moving along in the water. That action help remove any water collected in the bottom of your dinghy.
On top of all that there is also a selection of cockpit drains to help keep water from collecting on board bigger boats.