Marine Toilets for Boats
Holding Tanks & Accessories | Toilet Pumps & Spares | Toilet Cleaning & Chemicals | Toilet Installation Accessories & Spares | Toilet Rolls & Holders | Toilets
We stock a great variety of marine toilets here at Force 4 Chandlery, suitable for vessels of all sizes.
Boat toilets come in two main sizes. Regular toilets - being similar in size and shape to your domestic household toilet. Whereas compact toilets are smaller in design and are more suited to small boats, or boats where space is limited.
You also get a choice in how the toilet operates, being able to choose from Manual and Electronic. Manual sea toilets work with a hand pump. These alternate between pumping water into the toilet bowl and then pumping water out of the toilet and into either your holding tank or out of the boat entirely with the simple flick of a switch.
Electric toilets come in either 12v or 24v and use an electric pump to do the same task.
It is recommended that you use specially designed toilet paper with your boat's toilet. It dissolves and breaks up a lot easier and is less likely to cause any issues with blockages in your pipes compared to regular household toilet roll.
Force 4 Guide: Marine Toilet Maintenance